Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Maaco of Rockwall different from other auto body shops?

Our commitment to quality craftsmanship, customer satisfaction, and eco-friendly solutions sets us apart. We use advanced technology and innovative techniques to ensure every service meets our high standards. Plus, our strong community engagement and integrity in service delivery make us a trusted choice in the Rockwall area​​.

Do you offer any custom paint services?

Yes, we offer custom painting services ranging from complete color changes to custom graphics and detailing. Whether you want a fresh new look or custom designs, our skilled technicians can provide high-quality paintwork tailored to your preferences​​.

How long does a typical repair take at Maaco of Rockwall?

The duration of repairs can vary based on the complexity and extent of damage. We aim to complete minor repairs quickly, often within a few days, while more extensive collision repairs might take longer. We provide a timeline after assessing the vehicle to ensure you have a clear understanding of the repair process​​.

Can you handle insurance claims for collision repairs?

Absolutely. We can work directly with your insurance company to handle claims for collision-related repairs. Our team strives to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for our customers​​.

Do you offer any warranties on your paint services?

Yes, we offer a Lifetime Warranty on all paint services. This warranty covers peeling and fading of paintwork done at our facility, ensuring peace of mind and long-lasting satisfaction with our work​​.

What types of auto body repair services do you offer at Maaco of Rockwall?

We provide a wide array of auto body repairs including dent repair, scratch removal, fender repair, bumper repair, and auto glass repair. Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and premium materials to ensure top-quality results​​.